Sunday, June 7, 2009


Maybe the title is a bit optimistic. Up to this point, we've been taking things very SLOWLY with regards to the aggressiveness of my treatment. Which is why posts have been few and far between. Not much to report when nothing changes from day to day. But yesterday I hit a couple of great milestones.

1) I pooped. Big. More than a few times.
2) I farted. A lot. So no, 55% less colon does NOT mean 55% less flatulence.

To recap, the NG tube has been out for about 5 days now. The "poops" that I reported last week were real but sort of false alarms. More anomalies from the surgery than anything legitimate. Trust me, yesterday's were real. So from last week until now, nothing new has really happened. Lucy's been doing great and I've gotten to see her almost every day. She's the shining point in every day. But now, with these new milestones, I've got a lot more to look forward to. Like daylight.

As of yesterday (really starting Friday), my gut feels "normal." As normal as it can feel with 24+ staples and an oozing pus infection. Oh, I did forget to update about that. I got a minor infection at the incision that is being drained and treated with antibiotics. No big deal but nasty gross. Anyway, since I'm now beginning to feel normal and, as attested to in #1 & #2 above, function normally, I feel confident in the title of this post. I'm nearing the homestretch. Don't have any specific timeframe and still want to play things slowly and cautiously but I can finally see a light at the end of this long, dark, depressing tunnel.

This morning the docs were pleased with the progress. They ordered that I start clear liquids, the first step towards eating real food. I'll be careful and not go overboard. We certainly don't want a repeat of the earlier jell-o fiasco.

Will keep posting as more news crops up. Nearing the homestretch, things will hopefully start to get a bit more exciting and I should have reason to post more frequently.

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