Friday, July 4, 2008

As usual, Brian does all the work while Erin relaxes and eats bon-bons

OK, shhh, just between us, Erin doesn't need to know the title of this post. It's best for all involved if she just stays out of it. She's sleeping right now, so let's not wake her, heh?

That's the story of my life...she sleeps or watches TV or otherwise just chills and does nothing while I take on the burden of preparing for the arrival of the parasite. Sheesh, just like her. I mean seriously, does she know how difficult this pregnancy has been for me? The bloating, weight gain, gas, etc. It's hard drinking for three! You'd think she'd be a little more considerate and pull her own weight around here.

But no, I'm left doing it all, as usual. So in preparation for the li'l parasites arrival, I've been busting my hump building a new bedroom/office. (I call it "parasite" because it's bleeding my wallet dry. I should just sign my paychecks over to Home Depot.) See, our new house is only two bedrooms and I was informed that with the arrival of children come unexpected house guests. Grandparents, uncles, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. No one told me it was a package deal. Apparently all these people want a place to stay. I suggested a sheet of plywood on top of cinder blocks, but NOOOO. They need a mattress. And a room. With doors. What is this, the Ritz?? So, slowly but surely I've been converting our otherwise useless front living room into an office/bedroom. The most challenging part of which has been framing for what are called "multipass doors." So now all these ungrateful guests will have not one, but three doors through which they can tote their overstuffed suitcases full of kiddie presents.

I guess Erin deserves a little credit for peeling the yards upon yards of hideous 1980s wallpaper, but let's face it, this post is about me. She needs no more of your pity.


Unknown said...

Brian, I must admit, you got it rough. But instead of crying like a bawl-baby, suck it SALLY! Glad to hear you guys are hanging in there.


Unknown said...

I meant to say, suck it UP Sally! Not suck it:)