Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day - some good news

Well, with the new NG tube in place, I feel fine. No nauseau, etc. Of course, I'm not able to eat anything. Had I tolerated the clear liquids yesterday, today would be my day for a full small meal. But no such luck. Back to no food at all.

Which, if my calendar is correct, means I've not eaten a meal since the saturday of our Frisbee tournament (May 16). In other words, I've gone nine (9) full days without food (OK, I had a couple small pretzel nuggets on Sunday the 17th, but that's hardly a meal). Unfortunately, the docs didn't really start their clocks until the day of admittance, which was Monday the 19th, or 7 days ago. Either way, it's been over a week without proper nutrition. A fast any spiritual yogi would be proud of.

So, today, I'm ordered to get total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Look it up. Basically custom-tailored food through your veins. A special nursing team just finished installing the PICC line (look it up) to allow for the thickness of the TPN. With luck, by the end of the day I'll be fattening up and putting back a few LBs.

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