Okay, so here is the first post for the G
regson Parasite blog. It is a little late in coming, but it takes me a while to get my act together these days. I guess I need a slow day at work with nothing to do, to prompt me to get this started. Brian and I have talked about doing one for a while, but I was recently informed that I will be the one spearheading it since, he has lots of house projects to complete before the arrival of the G
regson Parasite (aka our baby). He is the witty computer savvy member of our family and usually does these kinds of things. I know that the name sounds a little offensive, but we mean it with lots of love and thought it was a funny name for the blog. We hope you all feel the same way. We thought of the name when I mentioned that I feel like I have lost control of my body. The baby is causing me to eat a lot, pee a lot, and the constant bloating and gas is no picnic in the park. Haven't really felt any kicks, but I guess at 18.5 weeks that is to be expected.
Since I haven't done posts in the past, I guess I should do a little recap about the progression so far. I guess I should start with the pregnancy realization. It is a funny story actually, in hindsight. Maybe not so much at the time. I just want to preface this with, never anticipate that you are not
fertile, without strong evidence. Brian and I were not trying per
se, but I guess we were not taking preventative measures at all times. Need I say more? Anyway, it was sometime in the middle of March and I was in
Crestview, FL in the FL panhandle about 6.5 hours away from home for work. I had an uneasy feeling and when I was in P
ublix with my coworker buying some things, I decided to get a pregnancy test along with my six pack of beer just in case. I guess looking back on it, those were two very strange things to buy together. But I really wanted beer and I needed a little piece of mind before I could enjoy it thoroughly. So I went back to the hotel room, put my beer in the refrigerator and decided to take the test. I read the instructions very thoroughly, and then proceeded to do the necessary actions that a pregnancy test requires. I was supposed to let it stew for about 3 minutes so I left it in the bathroom and went and watched TV for a bit. All I could think of was oh my God, oh my God! I guess at the time, I kind of was hoping I wasn't, but in the back of my mind, I kind of knew that it could be true. So I went back to the bathroom after 3 minutes exactly. I didn't want to risk having a false reading. So needless, to say I found out I was knocked up. It was a digital read out it said clear as day"
Pregnant". Holy Shit!!! So, being the scientist I am, I needed replicates. I Got in my car and drove to the nearest
Walgreens and bought three more tests. Then went back to my hotel room and took them all again in various ways. Nope. All the same result. Damn, I can't drink that beer I just bought. So I started freaking out a little, but I thought I would need to call my partner in crime and inform
him of my recent situation/infestation. I called Brian on the verge of tears and said, "I am pregnant." His response was a few seconds of painful silence and then, "I think I just shit
myself a little." Then, not 2 seconds later, "Is it mine?" Always the joker. But I knew he was having a hard time with the news and being away from home when I delivered the news was really hard. I so wanted him to be excited, but I can't blame him for his
shock and delayed excitement, I was feeling the same way. Don't get me wrong, we always wanted kids, but at the moment weren't quite ready. But everyone says you are never really ready, so I guess we just needed a little time to let it sink in. Which, it has and now we are happy and excited and scared
shitless of course. Three days after the p test, we left for Switzerland for 10 days, so we waited to tell our
families and friends the news until we got back.
Brian and I went to the baby doctor on May 5 for our first appointment. At the time I thought I was close to 12 weeks, but after the ultrasound I was told that I was 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Wow, they can really get very precise. The ultrasound was amazing. Brian and I were obviously not prepared for the fetus (don't like that term, but can't think of another) to actually look like a miniature baby and while I was close to tears with joy/fear, Brian was almost passed out on the floor. He was starting to get really white and the ultrasound technician had me jump off the examining table with no pants on and a jelly belly so that he could lie down. Good God! He says that he saw the next 20 years of his life flash before his eyes. How sweet. My man is so sentimental. After the ultrasound, the nurse practitioner estimated my due date at Nov 23, 2008. I might have a Thanksgiving baby rather than a turkey!
I had a couple of doctor visits since then, but nothing really exciting to report. Just blood test that all came back within "normal levels". So far so good.
I don't enjoy the weight gain, but I know that it needs to happen. At the moment, my belly is showing a little and I have had to retire most of my old clothing, mostly because they were no longer comfortable. I broke down this past Saturday and bought some used maternity clothes. Not my favorite type of shopping, but necessary
nonetheless. I will definitely need them in the not too distant future.
My next doctor appointment is July 7 and I will get another ultrasound. This would be the point that we could find out the sex of the baby, but we have decided to wait until the birth. That will be a very exciting day!
Pictures: The picture of the measuring tape is of my belly at 12 weeks and it was 29.25 inches. We will take another picture at 5 months in about 2 weeks and I will post that picture with the new measurement. The second picture is of me at 12 weeks. We will do this same pose every so often to show the space
between Brian's arms and my belly decrease over time.